Electric Anime Girl Will Beat Electric Anime Boy
Oh God, It’s So Lame
Hey does anyone remember when they did ice anime girl vs ice anime boy and like, no one watched it, because it involved secondary characters from past-their-best-by-date animes matched only because they had similar powers?
Well, say hello to the electric version of that.
THIS was what the beaker represented? Why? Because the girl is an anodyne by-committee nerd girl designed to bait all the 0takus and reddit users? Of all the fights the I HECKIN’ LOVE SCIENCE symbol could have given us, this is what we got?
We could have gotten something with a pulse like Rick vs The Doctor or Bill Nye vs Beakman or Jimmy vs Dexter, not this dead-on-arrival flop. Also, something I’m surprised no one else has talked about–this is confirmation that the symbols only have to apply to one, not both, fighters. That’s so lame. It demonstrates what we’ve always suspected–that they pick an opponent and then come up with someone to fight them instead of trying to organically come up with interesting themes and connections.
Anyway, this fight is easy to call. I know extremely little about both characters. Albino boy had a fun move where he stole his opponent’s heart in a flash in Jump Ultimate Stars, that’s about all I know, but a consensus formed within minutes of the fights announcement that Mikoto or Mikasa or whatever the hell her name is stomps. Someone described her as dollar store Magneto and albino boy as Damian Wayne with a few electric moves. She can also be potentially swanked to universe level, and let’s face it, after the total Brandon-brained placement they gave both fighters last episode, it could happen. It probably won’t, but would anyone be shocked if it did?
Someone set this match up to feed their waifu. The obvious matchup for electric nerd girl is another electric nerd, in other words, Static, but the staff ducked the fight and ducked it hard, likely because they saw the time Static powered a device built to capture the guy merging DC and Milestone together during their first crossover and realized she would ride the lightning harder than Eduard Delacroix.
What’s with all these waifu feed matches? You know the kind of match, the one where a secondary character from an anime someone on staff waifus gets a feed match? You had that in ice girl vs ice boy, Elfen Lied girl vs Carnage, indeterminately gendered hot topic creature vs Venom, Mitsuru vs white RWBY, yellow Tifa Clone vs Tifa, and now you got one here. It’s almost a little sub-genre of fights.
I like how you correctly asserted that only one character would even remotely fit a beaker, and instead of coming to the logical conclusion that it’s something else, you whined for like three paragraphs about it totally being the beaker.
Get a life bro.
It’s the symbol after the crossed swords. Why wouldn’t this be the beaker fight?
Otto when they don’t immediately spoil the order of episodes by making everything counter-clockwise on the cipher:
“that they pick an opponent and then come up with someone to fight them”
are you implying that they started with *misaka*
that 4chan ban really did a number to your brain goddamn
Uh no, since I listed several fights in which they did the exact same thing and called it a sub-genre.
Take a breath. You need oxygen for your brain to work.
Stop anon, I’m going to cry.
in defense of the “waifu feed” matches
i recall esdeath vs gray and crona vs venom being relatively popular matchups for those characters in the DB community– though they did do the icecapades a couple years too late.
lucy vs carnage is, if nothing else, a creative enough choice for a matchup that i’m willing to let it slide. can’t defend rwby fights though, obviously
anyway i quite liked this episode, as somebody who hasn’t seen any toaru since high school (over ten years ago at this point, jesus fuck) and who’s never seen hunter x hunter at all. don’t get the hate for it.