Boba Fett will claim the bounty on The Predator
I already did a deep dive on Yautjas wayyyyy back with Kraven vs Predator.
Unless they take the toy-exclusive Predator emperor with the Doc Ock arms and swank him, there’s really nothing the Predator can do here.
Yautjas fight best as ambush predators. They use the environment in conjunction with their gear to sneak up on prey. But Boba can control the environment much, much better. He can set things on fire with his flamethrower. He can fly above trees and debris. He has AOE through his missile, thermal detonators, and rockets. And he can see the Pred. He’s got infrared motion sensors built into his Commando Cody helmet. So the Pred’s cloak is busted right out of the gate. Even if he couldn’t see the Pred, he’s got enough to hit him through simple spray-and-pray. Think that scene from the first movie but now they’re shooting rockets.
And the rockets he fires? They’re heat seekers.
The Predator is going to want to make this a hand-to-hand fight so that his wristblades and combistick can slice up Boba, but he’s not going to get that chance. Boba can fly. That limits the Pred to ranged weaponry like his plasma caster and smart discs. But Boba can put down way more fire than the Pred can. Blaster rifle goes pewpewpewpew while he plasma caster goes doot-doot-doot.
And can’t he control the Slave I remotely? I think he did that once somewhere, maybe in a cartoon, but I’m not sure. If he can, well, it’s a starfighter vs a guy on foot. No contest there.
Also, wow there’s a lot of art of this fight!
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